
Backing up tales with facts

Filed Under (Skills, Story Idea) by on 10-05-2010 and tagged ,

One of the great things about the taxes we pay is that they fund a lot of research. And it is all “free” to us. (After all we did pay taxes, so is it really free?)

The U.S. Census Bureau has a lot of information to add facts and figures to any story.

Summer time is when a lot of people move.

And, true to form, the Census Bureau has some great data that can get you started on understanding the annual migration of Americans.

Story ideas: Summer time also means moving time. Some stats to help the story

One of the great things about the Census Bureau people as well is how willing they are to help you find the data you need and help you understand the data.

Give ’em a call or drop them an e-mail.

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