Discussion of the future of journalism from GMU
The other day I posted a couple of notes about the new Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism report on new and old media. Pew report shows gap in international views of old and new media Pew Report: Old Media/New Media I saw in that two key issues that journalists and their bosses […]
There are always plenty of stories on campus for student journalists to cover. And a few of those stories can be pretty exciting. But they are still campus-centered and often have little impact beyond the campus. And yet there are many campus organizations that deal with issues that are beyond the campus borders and even […]
The DC SPJ website (oops, almost wrote “web site”) has a new piece on events that changed the way we do journalism. Well worth a read. Transformational moments in new media history
I just posted an item on the DC SPJ blog site talking about Live Labs’ latest cool item: PIVOT. The posting includes a video from PIVOT’s developer Gary Flake. You should look at it, if for no other reason, it will introduce you to what appears to be a great way to get better context […]
One of the great things about the taxes we pay is that they fund a lot of research. And it is all “free” to us. (After all we did pay taxes, so is it really free?) The U.S. Census Bureau has a lot of information to add facts and figures to any story. Summer time […]