Discussion of the future of journalism from GMU
The DC SPJ website (oops, almost wrote “web site”) has a new piece on events that changed the way we do journalism. Well worth a read. Transformational moments in new media history
I just posted an item on the DC SPJ blog site talking about Live Labs’ latest cool item: PIVOT. The posting includes a video from PIVOT’s developer Gary Flake. You should look at it, if for no other reason, it will introduce you to what appears to be a great way to get better context […]
Earlier I posted a report from the WWW2010 about a Korean report on how Twitter was more of a news service than just a social network. (Twitter: An news service limited to 140 characters) Well, we it is nice to know that the scientific process backs up what some people already knew. In Twitter: That […]
A recent study in Korea showed that Twitter was more than narcissistic recordings of one’s breakfast choices. It is a news service the provides timely information about global events. One of the researches, Haewoon Kwak, presented the paper at the WWW2010 conference in South Carolina last week. Joad Jackson at ITWorld reported on the paper: […]
Google and other online services regularly gets requests to provide information about users or to take items off their servers. Google, however, has decided to release information about where these requests are coming from. This month Google has started to publicize what countries have asked to have material taken down. The number one country with […]