Archive for April, 2010


I was cleaning up my computer files today and ran across this piece from 2007 from the Roanoke Times. We all know the importance of getting the quote right. But does that mean running a quote such as: “Well, like, we were heading down the street and like we were having like a good time, […]

There has been a lot of buzz about finding the right model for the future of news organizations. It seems the London Financial Times has found a method that works. It actually made a profit last year. As expected, it was not one silver bullet that did it. The combination of paywalls, increased subscription rates […]

Great piece in today’s New York Times about SNOPES. Debunkers of Fictions Sift the Net SNOPES is a great place to get hard-core info about all those rumors and urban legends. (I subscribe to their daily updates. It well worth the read.) Why is SNOPES so good and why is it needed? Considering all the […]